A Randomized Controlled Trial of Reading Therapy as a Narrative Medicine Approach for Bidirectional Interactive Reading Intervention in Patients with Mental Disorders
CHEN Mengxin#1, WANG Huilun#2, JIE Zihan2, CAO Xinyu1, ZHAO Minhan1, WU Xinle1, OUYANG Haijing1, QIN Lulu1,*, ZHOU Ziyang2
1. School of medical, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013, China; 2. College of Liberal Arts, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
Abstract:Objective Exploring the feasibility and therapeutic effects of combining bidirectional interactive reading therapy under the narrative medicine model with conventional treatment for clinical management of mental disorders in patients. Methods This study was a randomized controlled trial involving 376 patients with mental disorders who were randomly assigned to either the control group or the experimental group. The control group received conventional medication therapy and health education, while the experimental group received conventional medication therapy, health education, and bidirectional interactive reading therapy for a duration of 6 months. Pre-treatment and post-treatment assessments were conducted using a general information questionnaire, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9) for depressive symptoms, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7(GAD-7) Scale for generalized anxiety, the Sleep Rating Scale (SRSS) for sleep quality, the Chinese version of the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) for medication adherence, and a treatment satisfaction scale. Results After intervention, there was a significant improvement (P<0.05) in depression and anxiety symptoms among patients with depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. The experimental group showed significant improvements (P<0.05) in sleep conditions, medication adherence, and treatment satisfaction compared to the control group in all four disease categories, with the experimental group showing more pronounced improvements (P<0.05). Conclusion The narrative medicine approach of bidirectional interactive reading therapy under the narrative medicine model significantly improves patients' depression, anxiety, and sleep conditions, enhances medication adherence, and increases treatment satisfaction.
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