Abstract:In this study, the bacterial count of the egg shell surface was compared by two methods: GB4789.22010 microbiological examination of food Hygiene: detection of aerobic bacterial count, ATP bioluminescence assay to study the correlation between ATP count and routine bacterial detection. The total bacteria count on the surface of 40 mixed samples was detected by ATP fluorescence detection, and the national standard method was used as the control. The Pearson correlation coefficient of ATP fluorescence test and the result of national standard method was 0.912. On the basis of these results, with log (CFU) as abscissa (x) and log (RLU) as ordinate (y), the linear fitting, logarithm fitting and exponent fitting were conducted. The fitting degree logarithmic model y=0.7306x-1.0041(R2=0.8322) was higher. ATP fluorescence detection method and the national standard method in the egg shell surface bacterial load detection results have a good correlation. ATP fluorescence detection can be replaced to some extent, routine testing of bacteria and applied to the actual production.