*基本信息: 张吉林,2010年毕业于中山大学,获理学博士学位(导师龚孟濂教授、石建新副教授);2011年01-09月于香港浸会大学物理系做研究助理。2011年11月始任职于金宝搏官方188化学化工学院,入选金宝搏官方188“世承人才计划”青年优秀人才,为“发光材料及应用”金宝搏官方188重点实验室副主任及方向负责人、“光能转换材料”湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室主要研究人员。任职以来在Chem. Mater., Inorg. Chem., Chem. Eng. J., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Mater. Chem. C等SCI源期刊发表学术论文近100篇;主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、教育部博士点基金新教师类项目2项、湖南省自然科学基金面上项目1项、教育厅优秀青年基金项目1项。指导的研究生中多人获评国家奖学金、校级优秀毕业论文、省级优秀毕业研究生。 *联系方式: chemzhangjl@hunnu.edu.cn *工作经历: 2015.01-,金宝搏官方188,副教授 2011.11-2014.12,金宝搏官方188,讲师 2011.01-2011.09,香港浸会大学,研究助理 *教学经历: 主讲课程: 无机化学、无机及分析化学、材料化学、纳米材料化学、生物质能源、无机化学实验、专业英语、新型能源 教学项目/成果: 1)金宝搏官方1882014-2015学年度教学优秀奖; 2)金宝搏官方188第十九届青年教师课堂教学竞赛三等奖(2019); 3)2021年省级一流本科课程——“光能转换材料及复合荧光薄膜在植物生长中的引用虚拟仿真实验”团队主要成员之一(排名第二,2021); *科学研究方向: 无机发光材料、光能转换材料 *主持项目: 1)白光LED用单一基质铝酸盐荧光粉的制备及光谱调控研究(51402105),国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目,2015-2017 2)硼酸盐掺Eu2+红色荧光粉的制备及其发光机理研究(20134306120009),教育部博士点基金,2014-2016 3)蓝光激发的白光LED用硅酸盐红色荧光粉的设计与合成(20124306120005),教育部博士点基金-联合,2013-2015 4)结构微调对Eu2+激活的霞石荧光粉发光性能的调控(2020JJ4431),湖南省自然科学基金,2020-2022 5)高效热稳的(BaSr)2SiO4:Ce3+荧光粉的结构与发光性质调控(18B020),湖南省教育厅科研项目-优秀青年项目,2018-2020 *发表论文(通讯作者): 24)Wu, X.(#1); Shi, R.(#1); Zhang, J.*; Wen, D.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S., Highly efficient and zero-thermal-quenching blue-emitting Eu2+-activated K-beta-alumina phosphors. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 429, 132225.
图片截自文章Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 429, 132225的TOC 23)Shi R.; Zhang X.; Qiu Z.; Zhang, J.*; Liao S.; Zhou W.; Xu X.; Yu L.; Lian S.*, Composition and anti-thermal quenching of non-integer stoichiometric Eu2+-doped Na-beta-alumina with cyan emission for near-UV WLEDs. Inorg. Chem. 2021, (accepted on 2021-11-29). 22)Liao, S.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhang, J.*; Chen, Z.; Yi, B.*, Tuning crystal structure and luminescence of Eu2+-activated LiSr1–xBaxPO4 solid solution for white light-emitting diodes. Mater. Adv. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1MA00950H. 21)Wu, X.; Ji, X.; Wang, Z.*; Qiu, Z.; Yu, L.; Zhou, W.; Zhang, J.*; Lian, S., Improving thermal stability and quantum efficiency through solid solution for Ce3+-activated (Ba1-xSrx)3Y2(BO3)4 phosphors. J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 855, 157520. 20)Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.*; Wu, X.; Yu, L.; Liu, Y.; Xu, X.; Lian, S., Discovery of blue-emitting Eu2+-activated sodium aluminate phosphor with high thermal stability via phase segregation. Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 388, 124289. 19)Liao, S.*; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Tan, Z.; Fu, X.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, J.*, Highly thermal stable phosphor LiSrPO4:Eu2+ with a new crystal structure. Appl. Mater. Today 2020, 21, 100792. 18)Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.*; Ma, W.; Liao, S.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Z.; Yu, L.; Lian, S.*, From nonluminescence to bright blue emission: boron-induced highly efficient Ce3+-doped hydroxyapatite phosphor. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58 (19), 13481-13491.(被ChemistryViews报道) 17)Ma, W.; Zhang, J.*; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Liu, Y.*; Liao, S.; Lian, S., Highly efficient and thermal stable La2Si2O7:Ce3+,Tb3+,Eu3+ phosphors: Emission color tuning through terbium bridge. J. Alloys Compd. 2019, 785, 53-61. 16)Li, Y.(#1); Qiu, Z.(#1); Zhang, J.*; Ji, X.; Zhang, X.*; Liao, S.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S., Highly efficient and thermally stable single-activator white-emitting phosphor K2Ca(PO4)F:Eu2+ for white light-emitting diodes. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7 (29), 8982-8991. 15)Ma, W.; Zhang, J.*; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.*; Liao, S.; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S., Crystallographic-site induced multi-color emission with high efficiency in Ca3(SiO3)3:Ce3+ phosphor. J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 764, 574-581. 14)Ji, X.; Zhang, J.*; Li, Y.; Liao, S.*; Zhang, X.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S.*, Improving quantum efficiency and thermal stability in blue-emitting Ba2–xSrxSiO4:Ce3+ phosphor via solid solution. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30 (15), 5137-5147.(他引次数 >100次) 13)Liao, S.*(#1); Ji, X.(#1); Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.*, Highly efficient and thermally stable blue-green (Ba0.8Eu0.2O)(Al2O3)4.575×(1+x) phosphor through structural modification. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (45), 39064-39073. 12)Liao, S.*; Zhang, W.; Zhang, J.*, Site-sensitive energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+/Mn2+ based on an efficient phosphor Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Ce3+. Ceram. Int. 2018, 44 (15), 18413-18419. 11)Zhang, X.*; Zhang, J.*; Chen, Y., Broadband-excited and efficient blue/green/red-emitting Ba2Y5B5O17: Ce3+,Tb3+,Eu3+ phosphors using Tb3+-bridged Ce3+-Eu3+ energy transfer. Dyes Pigm. 2018, 149, 696-706.(曾入选ESI高被引论文) 10)Zhang, J.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.*; Ma, W.; Ji, X.; Liao, S.*; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S., Near-UV-to-red light conversion through energy transfer in Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+, Mn2+ for plant growth. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5 (46), 12069-12076. 9)Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.*; Zhou, W.; Ji, X.; Ma, W.; Qiu, Z.; Yu, L.; Li, C.; Xia, Z.*; Wang, Z.; Lian, S.*, Composition screening in blue-emitting Li4Sr1+xCa0.97–x(SiO4)2:Ce3+ phosphors for high quantum efficiency and thermally stable photoluminescence. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9 (36), 30746-30754. 8)Li, M.; Zhang, J.*; Han, J.; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Li, Z.; Lian, S.*, Changing Ce3+ content and codoping Mn2+ induced tunable emission and energy transfer in Ca2.5Sr0.5Al2O6:Ce3+,Mn2+. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56 (1), 241-251.(曾入选ESI高被引论文) 7)Yi, L.; Zhang, J.*; Liu, F.; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S.*, Enhancement of red emission in Ce3+, RE3+, Mn2+ codoped Ca5(BO3)3F phosphors: luminescent properties and structural refinement. J. Alloys Compd. 2016, 688, Part A, 345-353. 6)Zhang, J.*; Zhang, W.; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Li, Z.; Lian, S.*, Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Ce3+, a highly efficient near-UV and blue emitting orthosilicate phosphor. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 646, 315-320. 5)Yi, L.; Zhang, J.*; Qiu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S.*, Color-tunable emission in Ce3+, Tb3+ co-doped Ca5(BO3)3F phosphor. RSC Adv. 2015, 5 (82), 67125-67133. 4)Zhang, J.*; Zhang, W.; He, Y.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S.*; Li, Z.; Gong, M., Site-occupancy on the luminescence properties of a single-phase Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Eu2+ phosphor. Ceram. Int. 2014, 40 (7), 9831-9834. 3)Zhang, J.*; He, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, W.; Yu, L.; Lian, S., Site-sensitive energy transfer modes in Ca3Al2O6: Ce3+/Tb3+/Mn2+ phosphors. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43 (48), 18134-18145. 2)He, Y.; Zhang, J.*; Zhou, W.; Han, J.; Qiu, Z.; Yu, L.; Rong, C.; Lian, S.*, Multicolor emission in a single-phase phosphor Ca3Al2O6:Ce3+,Li+: luminescence and site occupancy. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2014, 97 (5), 1517-1522. 1)Zhang, J.*; Zhang, X.; Gong, M.*; Shi, J.; Yu, L.; Rong, C.; Lian, S., LiSrBO3:Eu2+: a novel broad-band red phosphor under the excitation of a blue light. Mater. Lett. 2012, 79 (0), 100-102. |