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我室一篇论文成为期刊Chem. Commun.下载次数排名前列的热点论文
时间:2016年02月19日 00:00 点击数:[] 来源:化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室

我室一篇论文成为期刊Chem. Commun.下载次数排名前列的热点论文

近日,重点实验室谢青季教授课题组接到Chemical Communications杂志执行编辑Dr. May Copsey, MRSC的电子邮件,祝贺课题组的研究工作“Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of proteins based on in situ duple amplification of gold nanoparticle biolabel signals, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 8540-8543 (DOI: ?c5cc01439e).”成为该刊电子版在2015年10-12月期间下载次数最多的25篇论文之一。CC执编邮件的部分内容(含发布下载次数最多论文的链接)如下:

Congratulations! I am very pleased to tell you that your article "Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of proteins based on in situ duple amplification of gold nanoparticle biolabel signals" (DOI: ?c5cc01439e) was one of the twenty-five most downloaded articles in the online version of ChemComm between October and December 2015. You can browse the full list on the blog.

We would encourage you to share this good news with your co-authors and colleagues via your own website, Twitter etc. The full link to the blog article ishttp://blogs.rsc.org/cc/2016/02/11/top25-chemcomm-q4-2015/.

地址:湖南长沙麓山路36号,410081 版权所有:金宝搏官方188化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室@2022
